
Remote Therapy

Nervous about what working online would be like?

Ask your therapist for a 10 minute try out – not to start working on the issues you would be bringing, but to feel more familiar with how it could work and to get to know your therapist a bit so you can decide if this would work for you and maybe discuss how the agreement to work together will work.

The Agreement to Work Together

All therapists discuss with clients a working agreement for the sessions and may send information as well

Be aware that the normal ‘rules’ apply to working on the telephone or online as face-to-face – there is an appointment time and duration that is agreed with you and you should both stick to that. Confidentiality will be discussed with you.

It is not usual to have between-session contact, unless that is arranged for a specific reason. It may be that any between-session contact is done via email at prearranged times only.

Where will you and your therapist be? 

It is really important to create a safe, private and therapeutic space for yourself. This can be more challenging at home where there could be interruptions or you may fear being overheard, or even not want your housemates to know what you are doing. 

Be aware that your therapist can see your surroundings if you use video so you may want to arrange yourself in your space, and so you can see the screen without getting neck/back ache. 

If you are uncomfortable with the background of your therapist, feel free to mention it so they can try to adjust their background. Some therapists are working from their usual office on our premises, others are having to work from home.

You may want to have some tissues and a drink handy, and a notepad and pen, and diary, in case you need to jot anything down.

Interruptions and Distractions? 

Try to minimise these, as your therapist will also be doing, and have a quiet, private room to use – you could put a radio just outside the room to mask your conversation. 

Both you and your therapist should avoid trying to multi-task during the session, so you can concentrate and be respectful of each other.

It could be useful to arrange a signal with your therapist (a prearranged word or phrase) if you fear being interrupted and would want to end to connection at short notice.

It is a good idea to have an arrangement in place for if your telephone call or video session loses connection/reception for some reason.

If you are doing online sessions you may need your phone for noting appointments, but please put it on silent.

After the Session? 

Have a think about what you will be doing after the session.  Therapy can stir up your emotions and thoughts, so try to give yourself a little space afterwards – you would normally have a journey if you were visiting our Centre to adjust to the world out there.

Maybe jotting thoughts down; some relaxation or meditation; physical movement; or an electronic game or puzzle (whatever works for you) would help you to be ready to go back to day-to-day things