Clinical supervision concerns relationships. The relationship between supervisor and supervisee needs to be trusting, exist within agreed limits; and be useful as a space that allows for reflection, professional development and processing of difficult emotional matters. Keeping the client’s process and outcomes is central.
I completed the University of Sheffield’s training for prospective supervisors shortly after qualifying as a psychologist and have been supervising clinical practice since then. I undertook further training in supervision at the University of Northumbria and holds the BPS certificate in clinical supervision. I have been the formally identified supervisor for counsellors, assistant and trainee clinical psychologists, expert witnesses carrying out assessments in courts, psychiatrists, nurses and therapists. I have supervised staff who work in different modalities, work with different client groups and live in different countries. I currently supervise newly qualified clinical psychologists, a senior clinician in Adult Mental Health, a DBT team and a CBT therapist.
0114 267 8613