- Registered Mental Health Nurse (RMN).
- BA (Hons) Social Dimensions of Health.
- MA Psychiatry Philosophy and Society.
- PG Dip Education.
- PhD.
- Registered Nurse Tutor (RNT).
- Dip Cognitive Analytic Therapy (CAT).
- Cert. Interactional Dynamic Psychotherapy.
- Introductory Cert. Group Analysis.
- Cognitive behavioural Therapy Assessment (CBT).
- Member Association of Cognitive Analytic Therapy.
- Member British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy
I am a Cognitive Analytic Therapy Practitioner and a Mental Health Nurse. I have worked in mental health since 1984 in a number of therapeutic settings as a nurse manager academic and therapist. My work is often with complex mental health problems including personality problems depression anxiety and anger. I facilitate a therapy clinic in the private sector at Cornerstone and in the NHS for anger and complex personality problems in the North of Sheffield.
I have had training and experience in a number of psychological interventions which include Cognitive behavioural Therapy (CBT) Group Analysis Interactional Dynamic psychotherapy Humanistic Counselling and more recently for the last 7 years I have been training in and practising Cognitive Analytic Therapy (CAT).
Cognitive Analytic Therapy is a time limited therapy particularly useful for individuals who are experiencing a range of mental health problems from stress anxiety depression and complex personality problems.
Therapeutic work is active and shared and involves the use of written reformulation (an understanding of your problems) diagrams and other therapeutic tools.
CAT focuses on understanding how your problems developed how they are maintained by conscious and unconscious process and altering these habitual patterns of dealing with stress and distress into more healthy procedures.
CAT is Cognitive in that it makes use of the client’s ability to observe and think about themselves.
CAT is analytical as unacknowledged unconscious facts are noticed and worked with. In addition the therapist client relationship is acknowledged and used in therapy.
CAT is integrated in that a cohesive body of theory has been developed with a unique understanding of personality and development. It emphasizes the interplay between mental processes feelings actions and consequences.
CAT notices the importance of closure in the therapeutic relationship. As the therapy is time limited we will concentrate on change during therapy and ensure appropriate closure at the end of therapy.
The issues I commonly work with include:
- Anger.
- Depression.
- Complex problems.
- Anxiety.
Fee: £75
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